Vote ‘No’ on Roberts

This is a copy of the letter I sent to Senators Allen and Warner regarding the nomination of John Roberts to the U.S. Supreme Court. Since both have gone on record praising Roberts, I don’t expect this to have much impact, but I feel compelled to let them know that not everyone is as thrilled witht he man as they claim to be.

Politicians Can’t Make Up Their Minds

For much of the last year or so, ever since the Massachusetts courts ruled that banning same-sex marriage was unconstitutional, politicians have been saying that these matters should not be decided by the court. Now, the Governator, after the California legislature has become the first in the nation to pass a same-sex marriage law, has said that the issue should be decided by the courts.

Virginia Primary

Today is the Virginia primary election. So far, based on what I’ve seen, the turnout is the typical primary turnout: abysmal. I walked into the poll and was the only person there who wasn’t a poll worker. I suspect that the turnout statewide will probaby be less than 10,000 but I’d love to be proved wrong.

Support HB1633

Delegate Mitchell Van Yahres has introduced HB1633 which would repeal HB751, the so-called Marriage Affirmation Act. IĀ support Mr. Van Yahres