Glen Echo Carousel

On my return trip from Baltimore on Sunday, I met Valarie from DCPhotogs and we spent a few hours at Glen Echo Park. Neither of us had been there and it seemed like it might have some photographic possibilities.

It turned out we were right! We spent most of our time at the Carousel but there is definitely more there to photograph.

We encountered one of the Park Service rangers who was kind enough to give us a brief tour of the park and filled us in on some of the history. Seems kind of strange that having lived most of my life in the Baltimore/DC region that I’d never been there before but neither had Valarie. I guess we both got some education. Actually, speaking of education, a big part of what goes on at the park is education. They hold classes in photography, glass fusing, pottery and perhaps other arts. There are also show for children and what most people may know about, the dances.

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