Intellectual Property Act

Ok, looks like the entertainment industry is trying to make it illegal for us to skip advertising. Guess I’m easily ticked off these days
because another pair of letters went out to Allen and Warner.

I am writing to about the Intellectual Property Act that the Senate is going to consider soon. It is my understanding that one of the provisions of this act would make it illegal to manufacture devices that make it illegal to skip or speed through advertising.

I urge you to vote against this act. This is a clear case of big business trying to force things onto the consumer. If consumers don’t want to watch advertising then they should not be forced to. If this somehow hurts industries that rely on advertising then they should adapt rather than trying to force laws that create an artificial prop for them. Let the market determine whether and how much advertising we see. Do not try to legislate it.

Thank you for your consideration.

Linda Thomas

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