Winterfest 2006
Winterfest rolled around again and like so many Winterfests of the past, the weather was unfriendly. In this case, it …
Winterfest rolled around again and like so many Winterfests of the past, the weather was unfriendly. In this case, it …
Equality Fairfax had its initial “Second Saturdays” event at Foxfire Grill. Except that this was the third Saturday because we …
Last year was my first lobby day wtih Equality Virginia and my first time in the General Assembly Building in …
Every year, in December, Skywarn Recognition Day is held. This event allows hams to try to make contact wth many …
I’ve lived most of my life in the Baltimore/Washington region and until now, I’d never visited Mount Vernon. But, that …
I had the pleasure of attending the Equality Fairfax annual fundraiser party for the first time. Barry and Rick were …