2003 Smithsonian Folklife Festival
Photos from the last day of the Folklife Festival. We got sucked into the Scottish music tent and so that’s …
Articles about photography.
Photos from the last day of the Folklife Festival. We got sucked into the Scottish music tent and so that’s …
A July 4th drive out to Skyline Drive and a short hike to the Stony Man Mountain Overlook. It was …
Vienna Wireless held its Field Day festivities at Burke Lake Park and though the 20m beam was something of a …
Photos from Mom’s 80’th birthday party. [AFG_gallery id=’308′]
Additional Photos from the DCPhotogs visit to the National Zoo. [AFG_gallery id=’309′]
DCPhotogs went to visit the National Zoo. The animals were surprisingly cooperative making for some wonderful photos. [AFG_gallery id=’310′]