Metro Madness

Since my new job is in Rosslyn, I’ve been taking the bus from the Reston South Park & Ride lot to the West Falls Church metro station and then riding the metro in from there to Rosslyn. From there it is only about two blocks to the office. Normally it takes about an hour each way but on Thursday evening it over two hours.

Two weeks with iPhone

I bought an iPhone on it’s second day of availability. I actually tried to get one on the first day by the ATT store I decided was the most likely candidate to be the least crowded only got 35 phones and I was number 50 or so. The store manager didn’t bother to inform us until he’d sold them effectively wasting a lot of people’s time. In my case about two hours.

Seven Years Minus One Day

My last day at webMethods was last Friday. It turns out it was one work day short of my seven year anniversary. That makes it my longest stint in any job surpassing my tenure at Visix by just about a year.

An Update from India

I’m just past the midpoint of my trip and it’s certainly been interesting.

Being a passenger in a car still feels a bit like playing Russian roulette. I’m not sure I would ever feel comfortable enough to drive in it. Bangalore is reputed to have the highest traffic density in the world. I certainly haven’t seen the entire world, but it leaves every other city I’ve seen in the dust.

A Passage to India

I am writing this from my hotel room in Bangalore India. It is nearly 6pm local time or 7:30am back home. This is my second day here. I arrived early yesterday morning so I’m still dealing with jet lag though that hasn’t been as bad as I expected.