Sick of Lies

I just finished watching the debate between Biden and Palin and rather than the entertainment I had hoped for, it was so full of nonsense that I was disgusted. Pailin’s relentless repeating of lies was just painful. She’s no more a soccer mom than I am. Her failure to really answer many questions was typical political sidestepping and her blatant lies were irritating.

The First Debate

The first debate is now over. It was, as these things often are, light on real substance. Was there a blowout winner? Not in my assement. Senator Obama’s answers resonated with me more than Senator McCain’s. Given that they weren’t talking about social issues, ti was a little easier to be objective, but I felt myself agreeing with Obama much more often than McCain.

Corporate Welfare

I find it interesting that the so-called “fiscal conservatives” in our government, who so regularly balk at programs to provide a social safety net for our citizens, are so ready to provide corporate welfare to badly run companies. If they are opposed to welfare and are such champions of the free market, then why not let the companies die out and let the market make it’s way?

Is the Media Doing Its Job?

As the news media enters a frenzy of action heading towards the November election, I am left wondering if, collectively, they are doing their jobs properly. Not that I’m accusing most journalists of bias, but I am wondering if they report on the actions of politicians differently than they report on other types of news.

Thoughts on Palin

Although most people seem to think of me as a partisan supporter of the Democratic party, I’m really an independent. I don’t vote based on party affiliation but based on positions. In practice, particularly in presidential elections, I’ve generally voted against a candidate rather than for one.

How I Ended Up with a PS3

I’ve been wanting a bluray player since the format launched. However, a few things held me back. First, there was this competing format, HD-DVD. It seemed that whichever format I selected would be guaranteed to lose so I sat on the fence and waited. Bluray seemed to be have technical superiority but HD-DVD seemed to be more available.