Lal Bagh Botanical Gardens

I only had one day of sightseeing before getting down to work in Bangalore. The first stop was Lal Bagh, a 240 acre garden in southern Bangalore.

After about 25 hours of travel time, I got to the hotel, showered, relaxed for about three hours and then joined Jeremy to go sightseeing. Lal Bagh was our first stop.

We only saw a fraction of what was there and could have easily spent hours wandering around the gardens. Unfortunately our guide was moving us through so quickly that I didn’t manage more than snapshots and figuring that Jeremy wouldn’t enjoy moving at a photographer’s slow pace didn’t try to really work any particular subject. As a result, these are mostly snapshots and memories of the park, but that’s ok. Especially considering my jet lagged, sleep deprived state.

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