2005 Bonaire Dive Trip

Bonaire is part of the Netherlands Antilles and is located just north of Venezuala, near Aruba and Curaçao. I had been to Curaçao in 1998 but this was my first trip to Bonaire.

It was fabulous!

The water was perfect with visibility that was easily 100+ feet and perhaps as much as 200′. I’m a bad judge of visibility but this was great! The reefs were healthy with a variety of coral and lots of fish life. I haven’t yet seen Kirsten’s and Carrie’s underwater photos but I’m hoping they got some good images.

I didn’t do as much photography as I thought I might but I did get out a few times for some images around the resort. Unfortunately, we were told not to leave valuables in the rental trucks so I didn’t get any photos from our shore diving excursions.

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