April 2005 Fox Hunt

The Vienna Wireless Society held a fox hunt. For a change, I got to participate. The rules were simple: the transmitter would be hidden within the town limits of Vienna. We had around an hour and a half to find it.

We broke up into five teams and headed out. I had Pete/KG4OJT and his kids in my car. Pete was using an Arrow handheld beam and an audible S-meter that worked fairly well. Even with our technological advantage, we were second to find the fox. Jim/WI4A found it five to ten minutes before we did. He was using a homebrew tape measure beam that others hadn’t had much success with but his must have been better constructed.

A little while later, Matthew/KB1EXM came in using only an HT and various lengths of paper clips. Mike/K3MT arrived after that. The final team, Bernie/K4XY, Ray/K2HYD and Dave/K2VX failed to locate the fox due to technical difficulties.

The event turned out to be a lot of fun and the weather even cooperated by not sending the rain that had been forecast.

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