2004 QRP to the Field
Vienna Wireless held its annual QRP to the Field picnic at Glyndon Park. Lovely weather prevailed and everyone enjoyed good …
Vienna Wireless held its annual QRP to the Field picnic at Glyndon Park. Lovely weather prevailed and everyone enjoyed good …
I got to watch Tricia and her squad, the Fallston Cougars, compete at Kings Dominion. They not only won their …
A DCPhotogs visit to the new Air & Space Museum near Dulles Airport proved an interesting way to spend the …
The family gathered together for Christmas. [AFG_gallery id=’272′]
A cold afternoon’s hike through Sky Meadows State Park. [AFG_gallery id=’274′]
Photos from Skywarn Recognition Day held at the Sterling National Weather Service. [AFG_gallery id=’275′]