Apple’s Greed

Apple made a bunch of announcements yesterday mostly about new iPods. But, they also announced the demise of the 4GB iPhone. That’s not really a surprise since the price difference between the 4GB and the 8GB models was small compared the price of the 4GB so it wasn’t much of a stretch to just get the 8GB. Apparently the rest of the world agreed with me and almost nobody bought the 4GB.

Things Apple Gets Wrong

In general I’ve become a fairly big fan of the Mac and OS X. The OS avoids many of the pitfalls of Windows and the hardware is pretty good and not nearly as overpriced as it used to be. But, nobody’s perfect and I’ve got a few pet peeves.

Two weeks with iPhone

I bought an iPhone on it’s second day of availability. I actually tried to get one on the first day by the ATT store I decided was the most likely candidate to be the least crowded only got 35 phones and I was number 50 or so. The store manager didn’t bother to inform us until he’d sold them effectively wasting a lot of people’s time. In my case about two hours.