March 2003 C&O Canal Visit
After the hamfest, I met Joo and Valarie at the C&O Canal near Great Falls. It had been raining all …
Articles about photography.
After the hamfest, I met Joo and Valarie at the C&O Canal near Great Falls. It had been raining all …
Some photos from the Hamboree (more commonly referred to as the Timonium Hamfest). [AFG_gallery id=’327′]
Photos from the tape-measure beam construction and the following VWS club meeting. [AFG_gallery id=’328′]
DCPhotogs decided to head down to the Smithsonian Kite Festival. I’d never even heard of the event but it turned …
We started with the Peace Rally at the Washington Monument and then wandered along the Tidal Basin over to the …
Photos from the VWS meeting at the Vienna Elementary School. [AFG_gallery id=’331′]