Doug’s 2004 Halloween Party
The mad scientists were out in force at Doug’s house. [AFG_gallery id=’239′]
Articles about photography.
The mad scientists were out in force at Doug’s house. [AFG_gallery id=’239′]
A short business trip to Montreal didn’t permit any time for sightseeing or photography, but I did manage a few …
VWS provided radio support for the Parade and we had too many hams and not enough jobs so I spent …
A drive along Skyline Drive on a dreary, overcast day turned into a surprisingly good day for photography! [AFG_gallery id=’242′]
Kirsten, Doug and I went to the Maryland Renaissance Festival. It was a bit cold this time, but, as always, …
These photos are from a DCPhotogs outing to the Renaissance Festival. I missed it last year so I’m glad that …