Winterfest 2005 VE Session
Photos from the VE session held by VWS the day before Winterfest. [AFG_gallery id=’222′]
Articles about photography.
Photos from the VE session held by VWS the day before Winterfest. [AFG_gallery id=’222′]
These photos are from an impromptu DCPhotogs gathering. Sam, Valarie and I met at the museum for a day of …
Photos from the Vienna Wireless trip to Town Hill, MD for the North America QSO Party. [AFG_gallery id=’224′]
The last batch of photos from our New Years trip to Orlando. These are from Lorrie’s birthday party and miscellaneous …
Sometimes families do silly things. In this case, my family passed around these funny glasses for everyone to laugh at …
When Ben told us that he was actually “Not Innocent Man” and that we only knew him in the guise …