January 2009 NAQP
Here are photos from the Vienna Wireless Society’s North American QSO Party activities. Great food and lots of fun was …
Articles about photography.
Here are photos from the Vienna Wireless Society’s North American QSO Party activities. Great food and lots of fun was …
Lauri, Kirsten, Doug and I went over to Glen Echo Park for some photography. It was a cold day, but …
I didn’t get to concentrate on photography much in 2008, but here are my favorites from the year. [AFG_gallery id=’64’]
Here are a few photos from Touro Park in Newport. I had just read “1421: The Year China Discovered America” …
I was getting over a nasty cold and misse the early antics for Skywarn Recognition Day, but did managed to …
Pat invited Lauri and I out to see her compete in a powerlifting competition out in Hagerstown. I was humbled …