The Fate of the Hate Crimes Bill and ENDA

My congress critter, Congressman Moran, was at the office where I work for about an hour today. At the end of his visit he took questions from us. I asked him about the chances of getting the hate crimes bill and the employment non-discrimination act through congress were. He didn’t seem optimistic because of a threatened veto by Bush.

Things Apple Gets Wrong

In general I’ve become a fairly big fan of the Mac and OS X. The OS avoids many of the pitfalls of Windows and the hardware is pretty good and not nearly as overpriced as it used to be. But, nobody’s perfect and I’ve got a few pet peeves.

Two Down

With the recent announcements of the departures of Rove and Gonzales, I can’t help but feel some happiness. Rove seems to have few redeeming qualities as a human being and Gonzales seems to be a walking, or at this point stumbling example of how Bush values loyalty over competence and commitment to the Constitution.

The Candidates on the HRC/Logo Forum

Last night, before a national audience, six Democratic presidential candidates participated in a forum that was televised on Logo. It wasn’t a debate; the candidates were on the stage individually being questioned by a panel. They weren’t asked the same questions though there was a fair amount of overlap.

Two Democratic candidates didn’t participate because of scheduling conflicts.