C25K Week 1, Run 2

This is the second of the the runs for the first week. It is identical to the previous run (walk 5, then 20 minutes of run 1, walk 1.5, followed by walking 5). The difference is that I reversed my route because when these runs lengthen I don’t want to run down Soapstone with traffic, I want to be going against traffic. The downside to this is Glade is much more hilly than South Lakes and I could both feel the difference running it and see the difference in my pace. My overall pace was slower and the runs that occurred on uphill grades were noticeably slower.

Still, this felt like a good workout. My average heart rate was in the 140’s and I peaked in the 160’s. I’d think if I do this three times a week for half an hour I should start to see some improvement.

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