Maryland Renaissance Festival 2007, Take 4 : Albannach

Since AirTran managed to keep me from getting to Seattle, I tried to make some lemonade out of that lemon and managed to get to the Maryland Renaissance Festival for an unexpected fourth time this year.

Since this was a spur of the moment and totally unplanned visit, I didn’t have anyone along with me though I did see Kirsten there. I spent the day visiting as many of the musical acts as I could manage, starting with Albannach.

I had never heard this group before and, wow, did they have energy! This group from Scotland, had five drummers and a piper and I don’t think I’ve ever considered bagpipes a quiet instrument but it was working hard to keep up with the number of decibels being put out by the drums.

They were a lot of fun to listen to and a great way to start the morning!

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