Mac Pro

I bought m Mac Pro back in October of 2006. It was an expensive purchase but pretty much in line with what other manufacturers would charge for similar capability. It was the first Mac I’d bought and the first time I wanted to buy one since 1983 when the incoming freshman class was required to buy Macs back in college and we weren’t allowed to buy them. I really hadn’t seen a Mac I’d want to buy between now and then.

Now I own two. Three if you count the iPhone. It’s scary how quickly you can give so much money to one cmpany.

The Mac Pro is a joy to use. It’s fast, holds a lot of memory (it came with 1GB and I’ve added 4 for a tottal of 5GB). It came with a 250GB drive and I replaced that with 4 500GB drives in a RAID-10 configuration. It’s quiet. I generally can’t hear the fans.

I mostly use it for photoshop and lightroom. I wish I had time to do some software development for it, but that will have to wait for me to figure out how to squeeze more waking hours into the day.

All in all it’s a purchase I’m very happy with and expect I’ll give a few more years of service out of at the very least.

One comment

  1. I’m glad you like your Mac Pro. Sounds blazingly fast. I have been a “Mac person” from way back and still use my Power Mac purchased in 1993! I also have a PowerBookG4 Terry and I use daily. I have a couple of late 90s boxes I found on the curb that I haven’t had time to crack the cases on. There are tons of interesting online groups of Mac developers; somewhere I have bookmarks…

    I will be buying a Mac Pro (to use for freelance graphics work) sometime later this fall, after all the dust settles around multiple moves.

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