2006 Tour de Cure

I haven’t been able to participate in the amateur radio support of the American Diabetes Association Tour de Cure in a few years. The timing worked out that I was usually out of town. I didn’t really mind since it was not the world’s most organized event. However this year I was available and it was with some trepidation that I stepped forward to volunteer.

And, as it turned out, the event has changed from a not very organized one to one of the best organized! I was assigned to work as net control operator and it was a joy to actually help the rest stop and SAG operators actually get problems resolved. Willy/KC0GNH, the ham who organized the radio support did a great job in helping the ADA get things in shape.

I didn’t get many photos from the event. In order to be able to hear, the net control station was on top of a parking garage, away from the action so I only got a few shots from up there. Thanks to Tom/N4ZPT for helping out at net control after finishing up his rest stop shift.

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